[STS-Africa] 4S Open Track Session on STS Africa

Foster, Laura fosterl at indiana.edu
Thu Jan 10 00:52:33 SAST 2019

Dear Colleagues
Please consider submitting a paper abstract to be considered for inclusion in an Open Track session on STS Africa at the upcoming Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) from September 4-7, 2019. The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2019. We have provided a link below to the 4S call for submissions and an abstract of the STS Africa open track session. Also, please distribute this widely to other interested networks.

STS Africa: Innovations, Interruptions, Regenerations (#152)
This panel is an opportunity to deepen the scholarly conversation about STS in and of Africa. We hope to build on the conversations begun last year in Sydney around the question - “What are the boundaries of Science and Technology in Africa and how should we recognize and address both the uniqueness of African knowledge production and innovation on the one hand, and the potential that STS work in Africa has to offer to the field as a whole on the other?”(www.stsafrica2018.com<http://www.stsafrica2018.com/>) Taking seriously the theme for this year’s meeting, we seek submissions that wrestle with historical and contemporary cases of African science and technology and, associated innovations. What are the social, political, economic and historical interruptions that we must be attentive to in our study of science and technology in Africa? As the continent undergoes an uneven economic regeneration, what are the challenges and problematics of modernity, democracy and civic governance in relation to science and technology from and of Africa? We are interested in submissions that relate to one of the core areas of inquiry, i.e., Information and Communication Technologies, Biomedicine, the Environment and Critical Infrastructure Studies.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Tolu Odumosu at tbo4z at virginia.edu<mailto:tbo4z at virginia.edu> and/or Laura Foster at fosterl at indiana.edu<mailto:fosterl at indiana.edu>
Kind regards,
Laura and Tolu

Dr. Laura Foster, JD, PhD
Associate Professor of Gender Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Indiana Maurer School of Law
Affiliate Faculty, African Studies
Indiana University Bloomington

Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants, and Patents in South Africa
(University of Washington Press, 2017) (University of the Witwatersrand, 2018)

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