[State at Wits] Polecon Reading Group : Mulder's Economic Weapon

Keith Breckenridge keith at breckenridge.org.za
Sat Mar 12 13:26:49 SAST 2022

For Wednesday, 5pm, we will be reading extracts from

Mulder, Nicholas. *The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of
Modern War*. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press, 2022.

Introduction (26pp)
Chapter 2 The Birth of Sanctions from the Spirit of Blockage (33pp) Making
of the sanctions regime under the League of Nations (our little Jannie
featuring prominently as usual)
Chapter 3 The Peacewar, 1919 - 21 (23pp) League's use of sanctions
Chapter 8 The Greatest Experiment in Modern History, 1935 - 6 (24pp) [This
is on the reaction to Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia]
Chapter 9  Blockade-phobia 1936 - 9 (33pp) [State's reactions to the threat
of sanctions].

The book is available in several digital formats on Amazon
and in the pirate repositories.

Keith Breckenridge  *W I S E R* - The Wits Institute for Social and
Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand | Pbag 3, PO Wits,
 Johannesburg, South Africa, 2050 | Phone +27(0)11-7174272 | Web:
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