[State at Wits] Introduction

Lawrence Hamilton Lawrence.Hamilton at wits.ac.za
Wed Feb 8 11:01:11 SAST 2017

Hi All,

I am a political theorist based in political studies at Wits and politics and international studies, Cambridge (see below). I work on the state, amongst other topics in contemporary political theory, as informed by the perspective of the global South and the history of political thought. Some say I'm too focused on the state, but anyway.

A heads-up on two forthcoming events associated with my Chair:

1) On the 15-17 March, I (or my Chair) will be hosting Ian Shapiro (Yale). He'll be giving a public lecture at midday on 16 March on democracy and political competition in the wake of the 2016 referenda and elections (full details and final title to follow);

2) From 30 Aug-1 Sept, David Boucher (Cardiff) and Ayesha Omar (UJ) are hosting a conference entitled ‘The Prelude to Decolonisation: the turning of the tide'. I'm giving a paper there on 'Amilcar Cabral, Resistance and Freedom'. It is an interdisciplinary conference and they already have a lot of good and varied interest. Please see attached the first version of their call for papers and please circulate widely.

Thanks, and thank again to Keith for creating this list, etc.

Best wishes,

Lawrence Hamilton BA (MA), MPhil, PhD (Cantab) MASSAf
NRF/British Academy Bilateral Research Chair in Poltical Theory,
University of the Witwatersrand and University of Cambridge
Editor-in-Chief, Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory

Single-authored books:-
The Political Philosophy of Needs (Cambridge University Press 2003)

Are South Africans Free? (Bloomsbury 2014)

Freedom is Power: Liberty Through Political Representation (Cambridge University Press 2014)
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