[STS-Africa] Please announce -new book: Technology and Oligopoly Capitalism
Luis Suarez-Villa
lsuarez at uci.edu
Sun Feb 23 05:15:06 SAST 2025
Technology and Oligopoly Capitalism, by Luis Suarez-Villa (publisher: Routledge).
[To request inspection copy:
https://www.routledge.com/textbooks/evaluation/9781003345893?utm_id=<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.routledge.com/textbooks/evaluation/9781003345893?utm_id=__;!!CzAuKJ42GuquVTTmVmPViYEvSg!O1v7Hea8g7ESi3W31H3kc_X4CAa4abMTg7TomnBmEfVQTD5nH92XEHhxyn77mGAFJ8yo54LQlcPS2O-erPg-7WhjduUo1A$> ]
Technology and Oligopoly Capitalism is a major contribution to our
understanding of how technology oligopolies are shaping America’s
social, economic, and political reality.
Technology oligopolies are the most powerful socioeconomic entities in
America. From cradle to grave, the decisions they make affect the most
intimate aspects of our lives, how we work, what we eat, our health, how
we communicate, what we know and believe, whom we elect, and how we
relate to one another and to nature. Their power over markets, trade,
regulation, and most every aspect of our governance is more intrusive
and farther-reaching than ever. They benefit from tax breaks, government
guarantees, and bailouts that we must pay for and have no control over.
Their accumulation of capital creates immense wealth for a minuscule
elite, deepening disparities while politics and governance become ever
more subservient to their power. They determine our skills and transform
employment through the tools and services they create, as no other
organizations can. They produce a vast array of goods and services with
labor, marketing, and research that are more intrusively controlled than
ever, as workplace rights and job security are curtailed or disappear.
Our consumption of their products---and their capacity to promote
wants---is deep and far reaching, while the waste they generate raises
concerns about the survival of life on our planet. And their links to
geopolitics and the martial domain are stronger than ever, as they
influence how warfare is waged and who will be vanquished.
Technology and Oligopoly Capitalism’s critical, multidisciplinary
perspective provides a systemic vision of how oligopolistic power shapes
these forces and phenomena. An inclusive approach spans the spectrum of
technology oligopolies and the ways in which they deploy their power.
Numerous, previously unpublished ideas expand the repertory of
established work on the topics covered, advancing explanatory
quality---to elucidate how and why technology oligopolies operate as
they do, the dysfunctions that accompany their power, and their effects
on society and nature. This book has no peers in the literature, in its
scope, the unprecedented amount and diversity of documentation, the
breadth of concepts, and the vast number of examples it provides. Its
premises deserve to be taken into account by every student, researcher,
policymaker, bibliographer, and author interested in the socioeconomic
and political dimensions of technology in America.
1. Introduction
2. Power
Shareholder Returns
Mergers and Acquisitions
Entry Barrier Engineering
Standards Setting
Development vs. Research
Technological Barriers
International Projection
Trade and the Dollar
Public Governance
Anti-Regulatory Praxis
Lobbying and Patronage
Money in Politics
Revolving Doors
Judiciary System
3. Accumulation
Commodity Value
Product Markets
Capital and Labor
Accumulation and Pricing
Oligopolistic Accumulation
Speculative Finance
New Technologies
Input Markets
Imposing Terms
Dual Oligopoly: Inputs, Products
Labor Markets
Contingency Labor
Dual Oligopoly: Labor, Products
Compound Oligopoly
Complexity and Lock-In
4. Transformation
Research and Product Development
Commodity Fetishism
Technological Fetishism
Data Commodification
Standardizing and Systematizing
Capital Resources
Capacity for Work
Labor Intangibles
Capacity Utilization
Excess Capacity
Capacity-Price Engineering
Extraction and Assemblage
Integrative Production
Inventive Appropriation
5. Dysfunction
Technocapitalist Control
Compensation and Productivity
Long-Term Deficit
Consumer Exploitation
Pricing Differential
Data Exploitation
Wants Contrivance
Toxicity and Pollution
Microbiome Disruption
Efficiency Mirage
The Commons
Lauderdale Paradox
Access and Benefit
6. Domination
Commodity Chains
Labor Arbitrage
Value Arbitrage
Control Hierarchies
Intellectual Property
Enforcement Platform
Contractual Money
Taxpayer Exploitation
7. Techno-Oligarchy
Chapter abstracts:
2. Power.
Considers the sources of power of technology oligopoly capitalism. A
broad scope on how power is amassed and imposed is unique in treatments
of technology. Control over market pricing is critically addressed, to
show the importance of co-respectiveness, purported optimization of
returns, mergers, acquisitions, entry barrier engineering, standards
setting, and deregulation for oligopolistic power. Conceptualization of
technology neo-conglomerates provides insights on how oligopolies expand
their power as they deepen control over market pricing. Innovation is
examined---to consider how invention and research have been turned into
marketing accessories. The vital relevance of intangible resources,
their social reproduction, and the obstacles posed by technology
oligopolies are examined. International trade, monetary issues, and
risky financial cross-shareholding are discussed critically. The
influence of technology oligopolies on public governance considers
strategies, how they promote anti-regulatory efforts, the spread of
lobbying, patronage, and political contributions. The judiciary
system’s role is addressed by considering landmark decisions and
precedent as major sources of power. Treatment of strategies and
actions---including those unique to technology oligopolies---and a vast
amount of documentation make this chapter essential for researchers,
students, policy-makers, and bibliographers. The contents of this
chapter have no peer in the literature on technology, and are vitally
important for specialists considering antitrust action.
3. Accumulation.
Analyzes the accumulative dynamic of technology oligopoly capitalism,
its elements and market scenarios. Unique in its conceptualization of
how the accumulative dynamic operates, and the importance of surpluses
in the productive cycle. The relationship of oligopolistic capital
accumulation to classical works provides much needed historical
perspective on the importance of labor and capital in accumulation.
Consideration of strategies that expand accumulation by capturing market
segments---and the role of acquisitions, entry barriers, finance, data
appropriation, clouds and platforms---document their importance for
oligopolistic control over the productive cycle. Conceptualization and
discussion of dual and compound oligopoly---and their relationship with
aspects uniquely found in technology oligopolies---have no peers in the
literature. Definition and elaboration of the concept of uselabor
provides insights on a phenomenon unique to social media and search
oligopolies. Emergence of uselabor and its relationship with the
commercialization of the web, data appropriation, and capital
accumulation is considered in detail. A vast amount of documentation
makes this chapter a vital reference work for technology studies. The
contents of this chapter should be considered essential reading and
reference for researchers, students, policy-makers, bibliographers, and
those interested in knowing how technology oligopolies became as
important as they are.
4. Transformation.
Examines the deep structure of how commodities are transformed through
production, research and product development. Unique in its breadth,
details, and documentation. Distinctive systemic elements and phenomena
of productive transformation are considered critically. The
relationship of transformation to classical works and their views on
labor provides historical perspective, relating it to critical aspects
of value and creativity. In-depth treatment of the phenomena of
commodification and reproduction is unprecedented in the literature,
providing unique insights on the technology domain. Definition and
elaboration of the concepts of technological fetishism and of
capacity-price engineering explain distinctive operational features of
oligopolistic control. Use of the concept of systematized research
regimes to explain how research and product development operate provides
necessary perspectives on the value of labor intangibles. Further
development of the concept of uselabor explains how production operates
in social media oligopolies, and its implications for fairness and
justice. A typological analysis then provides a synthesis of how the
multiple facets of transformation operate in concert. The vast amount
of documentation makes this chapter a major reference work. This
chapter has no peers in the literature, and should be of vital interest
to bibliographers, researchers, policy analysts, students, and authors
interested in how technology oligopolies produce, create and exploit.
5. Dysfunction.
Analyzes major systemic dysfunctions of technology oligopolies and their
effects on economic wellbeing, health and nature. Influence of new
technologies on employment and their dysfunctional effects regarding
productivity, the long-term job deficit, and workplace control.
Conceptualization of consumer exploitation has no peers in the
technology literature. Role of the pricing differential as a
dysfunctional feature of consumption is documented with numerous
examples. Unique in its conceptualization of data exploitation in
technology oligopolies, the role of networks and data clouds.
Conceptualization of wants contrivance, its effects and typologies,
provides much needed perspective. Analyses of the micro- and
macro-panorama of waste and their effects on the environment, health and
nature have no peer in the literature. Examination of proposed
techno-fixes to eco-planetary dysfunction emphasizes the urgency of
addressing carbon emissions, climate change and the destruction of life.
Consideration of the commons addresses dysfunctional aspects of access,
benefit and expropriation---addressing the contradiction between private
wealth and collective benefit. Extensive documentation makes this
chapter a major reference work for bibliographers, students,
researchers, policy analysts, and authors interested in technology. The
contents of this chapter have no peer in the technology literature, and
should be considered required reading for courses on technology and
society, policy analysis, and social economics.
6. Domination.
Provides macro-systemic perspectives on the vital importance of global
domination for technology oligopoly capitalism. Unique in how it
relates technology oligopoly capitalism to the martial domain, and to
global domination over new technologies. The symbiotic relationship
between technology oligopolies and the martial domain is explored
through several binding elements---geopolitics, commodity chains, labor
and value arbitrage, and the setting of hierarchic global controls over
the most advanced technologies. Technology-enabled, “soft” approaches
to domination---and the role of technology oligopolies---are explored
and documented. Ways of enforcing domination are analyzed, considering
the role of technology oligopolies, their symbiosis with the military
apparatus, and their global impacts. Multimodality in warfare---and its
relationship with technology oligopolies---is explored and documented.
The concept of taxpayer exploitation---and its relationship with the
creation and use of new technologies by the martial domain---is
presented and extensively documented. Numerous contemporary examples
are provided throughout, along with a vast bibliography that reaches
across the technology spectrum. The contents of this chapter have no
peers in the literature, in their scope and multidisciplinary
perspectives. The vast amount of documentation provided makes it
essential reading for any researcher, student, author or bibliographer
wishing to explore how technology oligopolies condition our contemporary
global reality.
7. Techno-Oligarchy.
The existential impasse of technology oligopoly capitalism, and the
relations of power imposed by a minuscule, but very wealthy and powerful
elite, are core concerns of this chapter. Unique in its
conceptualization of a totalistic supra-structure that operates as an
alter state---to perpetuate the power of a minuscule elite. Its
systemic inducement of social alienation---a pervasive feature of
contemporary life---is examined. Alienation from nature, from invention
and innovation, from governance, the martial domain, and from socially
responsible taxation are considered---to link up with contents of
previous chapters. This approach broadens the concept of social
alienation, by relating it to macro-scale aspects of technology
oligopoly capitalism that are unique in the technology literature. Ways
to move forward are addressed, to help chart a trajectory that can
provide constructive alternatives. The concept of totalistic control
structure may motivate researchers and students to look into the macro
dimensions of social systems, and the impacts of technology. Important
for conceptualizations of social structure, and the evolution of the
relations of power in society. The contents of this chapter should be
considered essential reading for researchers, authors and students who
wish to understand the power of oligarchic elites over technology, and
the imposition of totalistic supra-structures.
Provide the most extensive documentation of any work in the technology
literature (existing or past). Unique as a reference resource for
bibliographers, librarians, students, researchers and policy-makers.
References can become the core of a digital library on technology---due
to their breadth, their extent, and the level of detail. Such a library
would be a major reference resource for the twenty-first century.
Luis Suarez-Villa is Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and of
Planning, Policy, and Design at the University of California (Irvine).
Among his previous books are Corporate Power, Oligopolies, and the
Crisis of the State; Globalization and Technocapitalism; and
Technocapitalism: A Critical Perspective on Technological Innovation and
Luis Suarez-Villa – UCI School of Social Ecology<https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/suarezvilla/>
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