[STS-Africa] 4S Backchannels: Can science ensure “100% Halal”?

shashank deora deora.shashank at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 06:06:50 SAST 2024

Dear All,

In this <https://4sonline.org/news_manager.php?page=37703> Backchannels
post, Arum Budiastuti offers a reflection on how technology-based halal
certification in Indonesia introduces a new meaning of halal and what
implications this has.

Can science ensure “100% Halal”?

Best regards

*Shashank Deora*
*Coordinator, 4S Backchannels <https://www.4sonline.org/backchannels.php>*
*PhD Student*
*Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas*
*Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India*
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