[STS-Africa] 4S Backchannels: Changing toolkits in sustainability research – a perspective on transformative and transforming methods

shashank deora deora.shashank at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 06:02:19 SAST 2024

Dear All,

In this <https://4sonline.org/news_manager.php?page=38848> Backchannels
post, Anja Klein, Catharina Lüder and Britta Acksel consider what it is
that research methods in sustainability science seek to "transform" and how
those methods might themselves be transformed along the way.

Changing toolkits in sustainability research – a perspective on
transformative and transforming methods

Best regards

*Shashank Deora*
*Coordinator, 4S Backchannels <https://www.4sonline.org/backchannels.php>*
*PhD Student*
*Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas*
*Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India*
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