[STS-Africa] Call for submissions to Backchannels, the 4S blog

Joseph Satish joseph.satish at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 07:52:09 SAST 2023

Dear all,

*Backchannels <https://www.4sonline.org/4s-publications/backchannels/>* is
the blog of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
<https://www.4sonline.org/>. It provides an outlet for students,
practitioners and scholars of Science & Technology Studies (STS) to publish
shorter, timelier, media-rich communiques of interest to the global STS
community. *Backchannels* is read by scholars in the sociology,
anthropology and history of science and related disciplines from around the

Contributing to *Backchannels* provides you the opportunity to share how
your work connects to and enhances the field; to build networks and
resources around particular issues relevant to science and technology
today; and to participate in a growing conversation about the value of STS
scholarship in society.

While we invite submissions from students and scholars from around the
world, we are keen to showcase more contributions from Asia, Africa and
South America. Please refer this link for editorial guidelines
and reply to me (joseph.satish[at]gmail.com) directly in case you would
like to submit to the blog. We accept submissions all through the year.

Best regards,
(Joseph Satish Vedanayagam, PhD)
Committee Coordinator, *Backchannels*
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