[STS-Africa] FW: [ictd] Call for Abstracts – “Digital Inequalities and Development” panel

Gianluca Miscione gianluca.miscione at ucd.ie
Thu Feb 1 12:02:13 SAST 2018

Gianluca Miscione
​University College Dublin
 <https://goo.gl/yws3Fw> http://www.ucd.ie/cito/members/gianlucamiscione/
CfP: Digital Inequalities and Development – June 2018 UK DSA Conference panel
Call for Abstracts – “Digital Inequalities and Development” panel
UK Development Studies Association conference, 27-29 Jun 2018, University of Manchester, UK
This is a call for abstracts/presentations on digital inequalities and development, with an initial deadline of 5 March 2018.
The panel welcomes papers covering any aspect of the relation between digital technologies and global inequalities: ways in which ICTs may “level the playing field” and pro-equity digital innovations but also amplifications and entrenchments of existing inequalities via digital exclusion, harm, asymmetric benefits and adverse incorporation.
The following timeline will be observed:
- 5 March 2018 - prospective presenters to submit a “paper proposal” (title, author names & emails, short abstract of <300 characters; long abstract of <250 words) via the  <https://nomadit.co.uk/dsa/dsa2018/conferencesuite.php/paperproposal/6312> conference online form.  Panel details and link to paper proposal online at:  <https://nomadit.co.uk/dsa/dsa2018/conferencesuite.php/panels/6312> https://nomadit.co.uk/dsa/dsa2018/conferencesuite.php/panels/6312 
- 16 March: decision made on paper proposals
- 6 April: conference registration opens (early-bird discounts close 4 May)
- 27-29 June: conference
If you have any queries prior to abstract submission, do please ask:  <mailto:richard.heeks at manchester.ac.uk> richard.heeks at manchester.ac.uk
Panel Organisers:
- Richard Heeks,  <http://www.cdi.manchester.ac.uk/> Centre for Development Informatics, GDI, University of Manchester, UK
- Mark Graham,  <http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/> Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK
- Dorothea Kleine,  <http://siid.group.shef.ac.uk/> Sheffield Institute for International Development, University of Sheffield, UK
This panel is an initiative of the DSA’s  <https://www.devstud.org.uk/study-groups/information-technology-and-development> Information, Technology and Development study group
General call for papers details at:  <https://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018/cfp.shtml> https://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018/cfp.shtml
From: DSA2018 administration [mailto:conference at devstud.org.uk <mailto:conference at devstud.org.uk> ] 
Sent: 29 January 2018 13:05
Subject: Call for papers opens
Dear Colleagues
Call for Papers
The Call for Papers is now open for DSA2018: Global inequalities, the annual conference of the DSA taking place at the University of Manchester, 27-29th June.
Please read the conference Concept note <https://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018/theme.shtml> , browse the accepted panels <https://nomadit.co.uk/dsa/dsa2018/conferencesuite.php/panels>  and propose your abstracts <https://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018/cfp.shtml>  directly to specific panels.
Deadline for paper proposals is 5th March.
Funding opportunity
Conference participants who have papers accepted at the DSA conference may be eligible for funding from the Journal of Development Studies. These funds will be allocated with priority to early career academics and researchers based at institutions in the global South.  Only presenters in paper panels are eligible for this support (rather than roundtable or policy and practice panels). A call for applications for this funding will open after the call for papers has closed and decisions are made.
Call for early career plenary panel speakers
Please also see the call for early career plenary panel speakers on the website <https://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018/ecp_call.shtml> .  This link provides all the information and how to apply to be a speaker in this panel. 
Deadline for these applications is 23rd February.

We welcome your participation.
James & Saskia
James Howard
DSA2018 conference administrator 
e: conference at devstud.org.uk  <mailto:conference at devstudorg.uk> 
w: www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018 <http://www.devstud.org.uk/conferences/2018> 
tw: @devcomms 
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