[STS-Africa] Fwd: FW: PhDs and Post docs for urban masculinities in Africa

Uli Beisel uli.beisel at gmail.com
Mon May 18 15:37:47 SAST 2015

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Subject: 	FW: PhDs and Post docs for urban masculinities in Africa
Date: 	Mon, 18 May 2015 13:25:55 +0000
From: 	Mol, Annemarie <A.Mol at uva.nl>
To: 	uli.beisel at uni-bayreuth.de <uli.beisel at uni-bayreuth.de>

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that we have begun the search for PhDs and 
Post-docs for my recently funded ERC Project, Becoming Men: Performing 
masculinities in Urban Africa.  We plan to appoint 4 Phd Students from 
the countries of study (Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania) and 2-3 Post-docs 
(from anywhere).  Please help us to get a good pool of qualified 
candidates by spreading the word. The deadline for applications is 29 May.

Information for PhDs can be found here: 

Information for post-docs can be found here: 

Many Thanks,

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