[STS-Africa] Fwd: [Theuth] [IFRIS] Call for Applications for Post-Doctoral positions

Mathieu Quet mathieu.quet at ird.fr
Wed Feb 25 18:09:23 SAST 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Rust <rust at ifris.org>
Date: 2015-02-25 15:57 GMT+07:00
Subject: [Theuth] [IFRIS] Call for Applications for Post-Doctoral positions
To: Mailing Theuth <theuth at listes.univ-rennes1.fr>

*IFRIS Call for Applications for Post-Doctoral positions *

*Deadline: March 31, 2015 (step one) and April 13, 2015 (step two)*

*Five (5) post-doctoral positions* are available at the Institute for
Research and Innovation in Society (ifris.org

IFRIS welcomes science, technology and society scholars in all the social
sciences: history, sociology, political sciences, anthropology, economics,
management sciences or law.

The post-doc candidates should propose original research projects that fit
within the framework of IFRIS four strategic orientations, which are
detailed on IFRIS website

   - Responsible innovation
   - The transformation of knowledge regimes and knowledge institutions
   - The government of system earth
   - Construction of futures

 As can be seen, STS can be understood in a broad sense of issues related
to the production and use of science and technologies in societies.
Specific issues tackled by the post-doctoral project may relate to public
health, biomedicine, agricultural sciences, food security, climate change,
biodiversity, environmental questions, ICT, “big data” and internet,
historical and social construction of technologies, risk and regulation,
development and research policies, global distribution of knowledge,
intellectual and property rights and global commons, circulation of
knowledge, construction of public research policies, multilevel governance
of science and technology, knowledge and local development, regimes of
regulations and production of sciences and innovation in society.

Selected candidates will be attached to one of the following IFRIS research
units (name and acronym is followed by the scientific organisation to which
the unit is attached). See the website links for more details on these

*Candidates do not need to have previous knowledge of these research
groups.* Nonetheless, it might be useful for them to consult their websites
or take contacts that might help them design their research project.
Contacts can be made through the IFRIS Secretariat
: rust at ifris.org

   - Centre Alexandre Koyré (CAK)
   CNRS,EHESS, Muséum
   - Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
   CNRS, INSERM, EHESS Université Paris Descartes
   - Centre d’Economie de Paris Nord (CEPN)
   Université Paris Nord, CNRS
   - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Science de l’Action
   - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique (LISE)
   - Histoire des Technosciences en Société (H2TS)
   - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS)
   - Centre Population et développement (CEPED)
   IRD, Université Paris Descartes
   - Patrimoines locaux et gouvernance (PALOC)
   IRD, Muséum
   - Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires, Sociétés (LATTS)
   UPE, Ecole des Ponts, CNRS

Selected candidates are eligible for a contract of up to 24 months, under
the standard French salary and work status. Contracts will start the
soonest after they have been selected, according to candidates’ previous
obligations and engagements, not later than eight months after their

Eligible post-doc candidates should hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or
doctoral degree) and should have already fulfilled all the obligations for
the acquisition of their doctoral degree (certified by their supervisor).

Eligible post-doc candidates that have still not received their doctoral
degree at the time of the closing of this competition, may compete under
the provision that they will finish their doctoral obligations within 2015,
as certified by their supervisor.

Candidates cannot apply for a post-doc position within a research group
where they have prepared their doctoral research work.

Formal applications should be sent through a two step procedure.
*Step one*

Candidates should send *by March 31* research proposals, composed of:

   - A one page Curriculum Vitae. The Vitae should indicate diplomas,
   trajectory, places and institutions where the candidate has worked and
   studied. Previous post-docs should be indicated in case there has been any.
   - A complete list of publications.
   - A long summary (maximum 6 pages) of the project, in English. The
   abstract of the project will state its object, objective, methodology,
   theoretical position, type of empirical material, research strategy, and
   motivations for the choice of the topic. The positioning and problematic of
   the project respect to other work is of importance in this summary.
   - A cover letter written by the candidate to indicate the way they
   believe their project contributes to IFRIS research agenda. The candidate
   should indicate her or his former relations to IFRIS research units, in
   case they exist. Candidates are *not* requested to indicate in which
   IFRIS research unit, but nevertheless can do so.

If the proposal is selected, the candidate will receive feedback on the
project, its possible integration of research units of IFRIS and will be
requested to send a full project (see below).
*Step two*

Selected candidates in step one should send *by April 13,* research
proposals composed of:

   - A one page Curriculum Vitae. The Vitae should indicate diplomas,
   trajectory, places and institutions where the candidate has worked and
   studied. Previous post-docs should be indicated in case there has been any.
   - A complete list of publications.
   - A research project (No more than ten pages). The project should be
   written in English, including a plan of activities for the whole 24 months
   period and a tentative budget. The project should clearly state its
   objective, methodology, theoretical position, type and mode of collection
   of empirical material, research strategy, and expected outcomes. It should
   also indicate the type of expected production out of this period of time
   (workshops, book, articles, or any other envisioned material).
   - The research project should clearly indicate how it contributes to the
   consolidation to the research agenda of IFRIS which are presented on IFRIS
   website (see selection criteria below).
   - A short cover letter written by the candidate that may indicate a
   possible wish to be hosted in a specific IFRIS research unit.
   - A reference letter directly sent by their doctoral supervisor to IFRIS
   before June 18th (and for French candidates, their viva report)

*Selection criteria:*

   - Quality of the research project
   - Relevance in relation to the IFRIS research strategic
orientations (*http://ifris.org/en/presentation/
   - Potential of the topic of the to favour the integration of the
   candidate to the hosting research group
   - Quality of the candidate’s academic and research trajectory

*The application will be sent in one single file, pdf format, and should be
saved under the following name:*
Name_appelpostdoc_IFRIS.pdf (where “name” is the last name of the candidate)

*Applications (step one)* should be sent* before March 31, 2015* to: Julie
Rust <rust at ifris.org>, IFRIS
*Useful dates:*

*Deadline: March 31, 2015 (step one) and April 13, 2015 (step two) *

   - February 23nd: Launch of the call
   - March 31: Reception of proposals (step one)
   - April 13: Dead-line for the reception of complete applications (step
   - June 18: Deadline for the reception of the doctoral supervisor’s
   reference later
   - Second week of July: acceptance decision sent to the candidates

               *Copyright © 2015 IFRIS, Tous droits réservés.*
Site Internet : http://ifris.org/
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Mathieu Quet
Chargé de recherche IRD
Membre de l'IFRIS

*Coordonnées professionnelles :*
19 rue Jacob
75006 Paris
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