[STS-Africa] Fwd: Swiss Federal Scholarships for PhDs and Postdocs

Richard Rottenburg richard.rottenburg at ethnologie.uni-halle.de
Fri Sep 5 17:46:48 SAST 2014

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Centre for African Studies Basel <zasb at unibas.ch>
> Subject: Swiss Federal Scholarships for PhDs and Postdocs
> Date: September 5, 2014 at 11:07:04 AM EDT
> To: Richard Rottenburg <richard.rottenburg at ethnologie.uni-halle.de>
> Reply-To: Centre for African Studies Basel <zasb at unibas.ch>
> Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars (PhD and Postdoc)
> The Swiss Government awards postgraduate scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers. These scholarships provide graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral research in Switzerland at one of the public funded universities or recognized institutions. Three years’ PhD scholarships and 12 months’ research scholarships at doctoral or postdoctoral level are available. The call for 2015 is now open. Please take note of the age limit. For futher information see www.sbfi.admin.ch/scholarships_ENG.
> Candidates should not only display the excellency required but should also have the backing of their home institution, i.e. have a career perspective in their home country. This is important in view of the potential for future cooperation. If you are interested in doing a PhD or spending one year as postdoctoral or doctoral fellow at the Centre for African Studies Basel please check out research interests and competencies at the Centre and get in touch with its executive director: veit.arlt at unibas.ch, www.zasb.unibas.ch. Please already provide a short research proposal or sketch, CV, diploma and transcripts.
> Swiss South African Joint Research Programme (SSAJRP)
> This programme offers fellowships geared to researchers in South Africa covering the cost of living and research for visits of 3-12 months‘ duration. They can also cater for MA students to spend a semester abroad at the University of Basel in conjunction with their MA-research project. For further information see www.globalaffairs.unibas.ch.
> Download:
> Flyer Centre for African Studies Basel
> --
> Centre for African Studies Basel
> www.zasb.unibas.ch

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