[STS-Africa] Fwd: Call for Abstracts / STS Conference Graz 2015, "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"

Norman Schräpel normanschraepel at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 19 17:23:53 SAST 2014


> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: November 18, 2014 at 1:17:19 PM GMT+1
> Reply-To: sts-conf-graz <sts-conf-graz at AAU.AT>
> From: sts-conf-graz <sts-conf-graz at AAU.AT>
> Subject: Call for Abstracts / STS Conference Graz 2015, "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"
> Apologies for cross-postings!
> STS Conference Graz 2015, "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"
> GRAZ, AUSTRIA, May 11-12, 2015
> We invite interested researchers in the areas of science, technology and society studies and sustainability studies to give presentations. The conference provides a forum to discuss on a broad variety of topics in these fields – especially abstracts are encouraged which refer to aspects of the mentioned conference themes and sessions.
> Bodies, Health and Technology
> SESSION 1: Intimate Technologies: Embodying Artefatcs, Remaking Bodies, Enacting Norms
> SESSION 2: mHealth and Surveillance: Caring for Data?
> SESSION 3: Emerging Configurations of Biomedical Technologies
> Responsible Research and Innovation Studies
> SESSION 4: Responsible Research and Innovation
> SESSION 5: Beyond Bibliometrics: New Approach to Mapping Science and Technology
> SESSION 6: Science and Economy: Sociotechnical Networks and the Use of Knowledge
> Information and Communication Technologies and Society
> SESSION 7: Cloud Computing as Critical ICT Infrastructure
> SESSION 8: STS and 'New' Media
> SESSION 9: What is so Fascinating with Computer Science?
> Social Change in Science and Technology
> SESSION 10: ICT Use, Energy Consumption and the Changing Practices
> SESSION 11: Intersectionality and Diversity Issues in Changing ICT Practices
> SESSION 12: Queer Feminist Science, Technology and Society studies
> SESSION 13: Music, Materiality and Subjectives
> Transitions to Sustainability
> SESSION 14: Sustainability in Housing
> SESSION 15: Local Innovation Impulses and the Transformation of the Energy System
> SESSION 16: De-constructing the Smart City, Reassembling Urban Life
> SESSION 17: Visibility and Invisibility in Energy Transitions
> SESSION 18: STS – Design – Sustainability
> SESSION 19: From Vicious to Virtuous Production Chains: Transforming European SMEs Towards Circular Economic Business Models
> SESSION 20: Energy, Society and Culture – (Sustainable) Energy Transformations as Transformations of Social Order
> SESSION 21: Energy Transformations, Energy Epistemics and Governance – the Role of the Social Sciences and Humanities
> For more information on the call and the specific outlines of sessions please visit:
> http://ifz.at/ias/IAS-STS/Upcoming-Activities/Call-for-Abstracts-STS-Conference-2015 <http://ifz.at/ias/IAS-STS/Upcoming-Activities/Call-for-Abstracts-STS-Conference-2015>
> Submissions should be sent to Michaela Jahrbacher (sts-con-gra <mailto:sts-con-gra>z at aau.at) until January 15th, 2015
> as a *DOC/DOCX-file*.
> Abstracts should include not more than 250 words, comprising detailed contact information, affiliation and specification of the conference theme and session you are referring to.
> The STS Conference Graz 2015 is the joint annual conference of STS - the Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt|Vienna|Graz, IFZ - the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture and IAS-STS - the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society.
> Best Regards
> Michaela Jahrbacher
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Mag. Michaela Jahrbacher
> Conference Organisation
> Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt|Vienna|Graz 
> STS - Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies
> IFZ - Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture
> Schloegelgasse 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
> Phone: +43/316/813909-0; Fax: +43/316/813909-11
> E-Mail: sts-conf-graz at aau.at <mailto:sts-conf-graz at aau.at>
> www.sts.aau.at <http://www.sts.aau.at/> 
> SOZIALE TECHNIK - STS journal:www.sts.aau.at/sote

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