[STS-Africa] STS Africa Affiliation

Keith Breckenridge keith at breckenridge.org.za
Sat Feb 15 14:45:51 SAST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Below is a draft of a template letter.  Please make suggestions for
revision as you see fit.  The template can obviously be changed to suit any
specific institution or university.   My suggestion is that we simply list
universities as affiliate members of the network -- so, if Edinburgh can
sign up STS, Development Studies, and African Studies, it will still be
listed as a single university, although somewhere on the web site we need
to list each unit, and its members (and their academic biographies).

- - - -
The STS Africa network (http://www.sts-africa.org/) is an association of
scholars and institutions committed to the development of the field of
Science and Technology Studies on the African continent; the network
particularly works for the development of research and teaching capacity in
the inter-disciplinary field of STS at African institutions.  At the recent
meetings of the network in Johannesburg, members of STS Africa resolved to
encourage this project of institutionalization by calling for formal
affiliation by units based at universities on the African continent, and by
those based at universities around the world with a strong interest in
African research and research development.   By means of this letter the
___ based at ___ indicates its formal support and membership of the
STS-Africa network, and its willingness to participate in grant-writing and
other research administrative activities that will strengthen the field of
Science and Technology Studies on the African continent.  Our full Address
is ____ and the names and contact details of two members of the unit are
provided below:

Keith Breckenridge  *W I S E R* - The Wits Institute for Social and
Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand | Pbag 3, PO Wits,
 Johannesburg, South Africa, 2050 | Tel: +27117174272  | Fax: 0867654213 |
Web: wiser.wits.ac.za
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