[STS-Africa] Fwd: Vacancy Announcement: Gender Specialist Position funded by GIZ

Wenda K. Bauchspies wkbauchspies at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 11:14:34 SAST 2014

For your information:

----- Forwarded Message -----

Subject: Vacancy Announcement: Gender Specialist Position funded by GIZ

Dear colleagues, 

I am pleased to share the attached Vacancy Announcement for a gender specialist position at CIMMYT funded by the German Government through GIZ and the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM, see: www.cimonline.de or www.giz.de ). Following the CIM standard procedures the position is open to EU citizens. The Vacancy Announcement will be posted on http://www.devnetjobs.org/ shortly. 

Your help in circulating the VA to potential candidates in your networks, is greatly appreciated! 

Best regards, 


Lone B. Badstue, PhD 

Strategic Leader, Gender Research and -Mainstreaming 

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, CIMMYT 

Tel: +52(55)5804 2004 Ext. 2141 

Email: l.badstue at cgiar.org 


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