[STS-Africa] Call for applications and nominations for International Scholars [Society for the History of Technology]

Norman Schräpel norman.schraepel at ethnologie.uni-halle.de
Fri May 24 00:38:19 SAST 2013

Dear all, this should be of interest to a number of you, best, Richard Rottenburg

Call for applications and nominations for International Scholars [Society for the History of Technology]
International Scholars Program
Each year the Society for the History of Technology designates up to four International Scholars for a two-year term. The International Scholars program is administered by the International Outreach Committee.
Background and Mission
In 1992 the Society for the History of Technology inaugurated the International Scholars program with these goals:
1.     Foster a stronger international community for the study of the history of technology
2.     Strengthen the society's role as an international society for the history of technology
3.     Identify and help non-U.S. historians of technology participate in the meetings and governance of the Society
4.     Provide formal recognition for the work of non-U.S. historians of technology so that their respective governments and national academic communities might provide greater support for their society-related activities
5.     Afford special recognition for younger, non-U.S. scholars as they begin their careers in the history of technology
6.     Foster an international network of scholars in the history of technology that will benefit all members of the society
Nowadays the mandate of the International Outreach Committee is slightly different. More attention is given to scholars from countries outside the U.S. and Western Europe, not only to foster their individual careers but also to support local networks and activities for and by scholars working on the history of technology. International 
Scholars shall act as ambassadors for the Society in their countries and regions, both by informing the Society about the state and developments of the history of technology in their regions, and by helping to disseminate information about the Society and its activities.
Eligibility and Selection Process
To become a SHOT International Scholar, you must reside and work in underrepresented countries at the time of selection. Graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scholars who are living and working in the United States or Western Europe are not eligible to become International Scholars; however, they are eligible to apply once they return to their home countries. Of these potential candidates, anyone at any rank, from graduate student up through senior scholar, is eligible to become an International Scholar.
Individuals may be nominated as International Scholars by any member of the Society, and we also encourage self-nomination. To nominate yourself or someone else as an International Scholar, please send a letter and a brief curriculum vitae to EACH member of the International Outreach Committee and to SHOT secretary Bernie Carlson atshot at virginia.edu. Letters must include:
· why you would like to be an International Scholar,
· how you plan to advance the mission of the International Scholar program
· the current state of history of technology research in your home country and your home institution, and
· how your research will enrich existing knowledge in the field
For more information about the application procedures, please visit:

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