[State at Wits] Fwd: [CiviMail Draft] Reminder | WISH Seminar | Ricardo Soares de Oliveira on the African Offshore World | Monday 4:00PM

Keith Breckenridge keith at breckenridge.org.za
Mon Mar 6 10:38:50 SAST 2023

*WISER invites you to join us for an on-line version of the WISH seminar*
*Monday March 6 - 16:00 (SA Time)* "Researching Africa and the Offshore
World" *Presented by  Ricardo Soares de Oliveira* *Please read the paper at

*Register in advance of the meeting on Zoom at *

*Abstract : *One of the key features of today's global economy is an
‘offshore world’ of financial structures, institutions and techniques
designed to provide secrecy, asset protection and tax exemption. While its
worldwide impact is very significant, Africa is affected to an unusual
extent by the strategies of tax avoidance/evasion, outward financial flows
(both legal and illegal) and corruption enabled by the offshore world. This
is corroborated by a number of quantitative studies of capital flight as
well as by influential investigations such as the Pandora Papers, Panama
Papers and Luanda Leaks. The offshore world's limited presence in the study
of contemporary African politics, political economy and international
relations is therefore striking. The purpose of this exploratory paper is
to highlight this gap, provide a preliminary analysis, and suggest that the
politics of African insertion in the global offshore economy merits more
attention from scholars of African politics.
*The Wits Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Humanities is a widely
interdisciplinary and lively research forum.  Its objective is to
strengthen and enrich the interaction between local research and global
scholarship, and to make this a more productive dialogue.  The seminar is
typically an animated, demanding and constructive forum.  Participants are
particularly encouraged to frame their work and questions theoretically and
to think sympathetically beyond their own disciplinary and regional

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested, and remind
those who would like to receive notices about WISER events to complete the
forms at http://wiser.wits.ac.za/mail.

[image: WISER Banner]
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