[State at Wits] AEH : Thurs, Sept 16, 5pm : Guyer's Marginal Gains

Keith Breckenridge keith at breckenridge.org.za
Fri Sep 10 13:36:05 SAST 2021

The African economic history reading group will meet next Thursday, Sept
16, 5pm to 6pm to discuss Jane Guyer's *Marginal Gains *(Chaps 1, 2, 3, 6
and 7 ... )

Here's a calendar link
for those who use them.

Keith Breckenridge  *W I S E R* - The Wits Institute for Social and
Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand | Pbag 3, PO Wits,
 Johannesburg, South Africa, 2050 | Phone +27(0)11-7174272 | Web:
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